Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework for the LAST WEEK OF Quarter 1 progress report

Make sure to turn in your Anne Frank play notes in the green paper back text book.

Finish your sentences for historical terms

Turn in your Word Study on an AR book vocabulary word on Thursday, Dec.8th

Book projects on an AR book are due next Friday!!

First draft of Anne Frank Compare/Contrast essay are due next Friday.
We will write them in class next week using the laptops!

Let's work hard this week so that we can make some holiday art before the winter break!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Students! Remember you are on a mission to read at least one book and take an AR quiz by this Friday!

AR score sheets and reading contracts are due FRIDAY, OCT. 28th

Also, you are required to write a one page short story entitled. "Halloween Dance."

Monday, October 10, 2011

New Homework for the Week of October 10 - 14th

Don't forget to KEEP READING 20 to 30 minutes each night in your AR book!
Log your pages! Have your parents initial every week!!

Turn in your "Family Treasure" Paragraphs!

Turn in your Personification Poems!

Bring your thumb drives to save your RTL essays!

Gary Soto comes this Friday!!  Yipee!!!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Students! Remember to study the elements of a story tonight for the test tomorrow!
Study your practice quiz!!!!

Also, the Family Treasure paragraph is not due until Monday.

Bring your Personification poems and reading logs to class tomorrow!
I send out 5 week grades tomorrow night!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 26 through 30th

This week we will continue to identify elements of a story, theme, and figurative language in writing!
Our story is The Treasure of Lemon Brown by Walter Dean Myers

You will be asked to write a description of a treasure in your family. Something that represents pride, love,
faith, family connection, inspiration.

You will also write a personification poem about the weather.

READ 20 minutes in your AR books EACH NIGHT and have your parents initial the contract.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello returning students! I am finally getting the hang of this posting thing now.
It's been such fun getting to know all of you! Your "feet" project and Life Poems are fantastic!

1. Simile poem about 1 to 3 family members
2. Reading Contract filled out correctly with parent initials
3. Study for quiz on elements of a narrative (see below)

Exposition (exposes the characters, setting, conflict)
Setting (place)
Plot (the events unfolding)
Rising action
Climax (highest point of tension, suspense)
Falling action

Point of View (1st, 2nd person)
Theme (message, moral, lesson)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome Shoreline Students!

I'm so excited to greet you all this week! I am also excited because I'm learning how to provide important information for you over the internet! Now, this does NOT mean that you should not write down your
assignments in your Shark's planner or use your homework folders!! (: